Elle For A Better Future

To every woman who witnessed 4 August 2020’s third-largest explosion in the world in Beirut, this is for you.
Some lost their sons and daughters
So they lost their pride joy and future.
Some lost their husbands
So they lost their love past and future.
Some lost their houses
So they lost their shelter and protection
Some lost pieces of her body
So she lost her beauty
Some lost their work
So they lost their passion and dreams.
But not a woman of all the above
lost her Strength, and Solidity.
Despite the crash that damaged their most valuable parts in their lives
here they are strongly fighting heart by heart in revenge for the sake of whatever they missed.
A year back, when the Revolution took place, women, were all over the streets shinning as bright as diamonds screaming and shouting for a better future. A future that resembles them. A bright and heavenly future because never shall they deserve a dull future.
This proves the real meaning of Elle. Not any Elle but the courageous, rebellious, revolutionary Elle now and then.
MariaT Hayek